FISH Probes – Solid Tumour Probes
Tags: Molecular
Accurate and reliable detection of genetic aberrations in solid tumors with DNA Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) probe technology is a powerful means to diagnose and more efficiently treat a wide range of cancers. Vysis offers a comprehensive line of direct labeled DNA probes for solid tumor assessment. Single and multi-color probe sets offer researchers and clinicians a variety of ways to identify chromosome or locus deletions, gains, or translocations that have been associated with specific types of solid tumors. These probes can be applied to a variety of sample types prepared for metaphase or interphase analysis.

Solid Tumour Probes available for the following Disease States:
– Bladder Cancer
– Breast Cancer
– Lung Cancer
– Melanoma
– Prostate Cancer
– Sarcomas
– Gliomas
– Other Cancers